2012年12月25日 星期二

中音路- 離子高音 Plasma Tweeter of 2.1 channel ...5

Finish 6C45Pi & IF circuit connection and check working bias voltage.

Top view under real testing.

Final check cross-over switching circuit for prepare feed in S.G. signal.

First time generat plasma flaming (small fire).

Re-modify structure of voice-coil  actuator.

Use new voice-coil  actuator to light up plasma flaming.

After finish shieding-net and check effect of plasma generat.

Youtube file Mr211 Plasma tweeter

2012年12月3日 星期一

中音路- 離子高音 Plasma Tweeter of 2.1 channel ...4

Set Up a platform for hard disk drive voice-coil actuator

Light up plasma using a hard disk drive voice-coil actuator.

Change 500V  high voltage transfer for more energy to light up plasma flaming.

Finish retuning 6JM6,ECL82,6C45Pi plate voltage and bias voltage.

Rear view.

Feed in S.G. signal test plasma tweeter and monitor high voltage.


咖啡店從無到有... 從有到無... 歲月的流逝 ,剩下的祇有記憶.

從無到有--- 舊店設立.
從有到無--- 拔營....牧咖啡的咖啡人.....移址, 啡客...........的遷徙.


