2024年5月14日 星期二

Sayonara / So Long ~ Koetsu 音響史上最具傳奇色彩的光悅

Koetsu was founded by Yoshiaki Sugano at 1975.

Until recently, they have been making pickups where technology and feeling meet and along the way achieved a mythical status among vinyl enthusiasts worldwide.

Koetsu has represented something genuine and unique, where craftsmanship and musicality have always been at the center, and given us a very special joy of ownership.

Along the way, the craft tradition was passed on to his son Fumihiko (Sugano Jr.) who unfortunately left us last fall.

Recently, we received the news that Koetsu and the surviving family choose to close the door behind them for good. The ambition and ability to continue the business was not there among the family members, and the willingness to let someone else take over after almost half a century as a family business was simply not an option.

Thank you for all you have contributed Koetsu and the Sugano family.


2024年5月5日 星期日

Jukeboxssss fix EP vinyl pick fail d EP scratch ...these symptoms caused by EP jam

 The gap of EP magazine change by EP jam

       This gap also cause vinyl pick fail  

magazine rack scratch vinyl

zip ties & epoxy steel glue



咖啡店從無到有... 從有到無... 歲月的流逝 ,剩下的祇有記憶.

從無到有--- 舊店設立.
從有到無--- 拔營....牧咖啡的咖啡人.....移址, 啡客...........的遷徙.


