2011年3月5日 星期六
2011年2月15日 星期二
Toy13 300B Amplifier DIY Record....1
Design & drawing 300B high voltage circuit with delay on function.
Main power switch setup in 300B case.
High voltage will be remote turn-on and through Jump wire supply to 300B case.
Design & drawing 300b signal amplifier & 300B bias circuit.
Calculate 6C45pi & 300B plate voltage.
Prepare all components & 300B tubs.
Do placement & hand drill hole for Mount 5U4G & delay on Relay.
High voltage & chock transformer will mount on this box too and separate circuit with 300B case.
Do placement & hand drill hole for mount 6C45Pi & 300B platform.
6C45Pi & 300B high voltage & bias circuit will fix in the case.
Mount 6C45Pi & 300B platform structure picture.
2011年2月3日 星期四
Toy3 D/A couple capacitor of Balance output estimate -2 more cap. & different value
D/A couple capacitor of Balance output estimate -2 more cap. & different
Unknown PP couple capacitor.
Audio shallow, Sounds too rough.
Bennic PP couple capacitor.
Sounds not rich.
Old CDET 2.2uf/200v PP couple capacitor
Clear body line sound cool & thin.
New CDET 5uF/100V PP couple capacitor.
Clear body line sound better than before.
ROE 10uf/68V pole couple capacitor
Clear body line sound got a little lite mean sound density not enough.
ERO 4.7uf/100V PP couple capacitor
More sound detail ,sound density enough but Low frequency responce not good feel empty.
ERO 6.8uf/100V PP couple capacitor
More sound detail ,sound density enough Low frequency responce feel better now.
ERO 10uf/250vV PP couple capacitor.
Better response ,sound field of the deep carved ,Low freq. got vigorous tone.
All benchmark base on WM8741+PWM Filter OP AD827AQ+ Differential combiner OP AD797AN.
Sonic Frontiers Corp. have a research paper mention one type D/A usage same value 10uf cap. is better too .
For your reference.
Unknown PP couple capacitor.
Audio shallow, Sounds too rough.
Bennic PP couple capacitor.
Sounds not rich.
Old CDET 2.2uf/200v PP couple capacitor
Clear body line sound cool & thin.
New CDET 5uF/100V PP couple capacitor.
Clear body line sound better than before.
ROE 10uf/68V pole couple capacitor
Clear body line sound got a little lite mean sound density not enough.
ERO 4.7uf/100V PP couple capacitor
More sound detail ,sound density enough but Low frequency responce not good feel empty.
ERO 6.8uf/100V PP couple capacitor
More sound detail ,sound density enough Low frequency responce feel better now.
ERO 10uf/250vV PP couple capacitor.
Better response ,sound field of the deep carved ,Low freq. got vigorous tone.
All benchmark base on WM8741+PWM Filter OP AD827AQ+ Differential combiner OP AD797AN.
Sonic Frontiers Corp. have a research paper mention one type D/A usage same value 10uf cap. is better too .
For your reference.
2011年1月23日 星期日
Toy11 VT4C 211AMP -5 ..... verify 211 AC heater capacitors sound color
I like sound of AC heater for VT4C so I do some circuit modify as drawing.
Old connect as below and no 62ohm/50W resistors & no capacitors shunt to GND.
Original connection picture.
No resistors & capacitors. Sound not good and too rough.
Connect capacitors & mount resistors on water cooling heat sink.
Sounder 10uf/250V sound have clear line,sound not rich, rough and nothing special.
VT4c cathod RIFA capacitor sound color feel not good and change into Spraque 100uf/150V.
CDE 8uf/400V 音色較渾厚 Vigorous tone,音像較淺 audio shallow ,低頻轟轟,悶悶的打不出線條聲音 Low-freq humming.
Old CDE 4uf/200V 低頻聲音線條較清楚有形體 Low freq. have clear body line ,但音色線條清楚偏冷,清瘦 but clear line sound cool & thin.
ERO 4.7uf/250V 響應較佳 better response ,音像(音場)刻化較深 sound filed of the deep carved , 音色線條深刻化清楚, 沒啥毛邊,低頻聲音較有梗的清楚形體 Low freq. have clear body line ,較自然,是以布懸邊為參考.因較不喜歡rubber懸邊低音聲底,軟軟的低音轟聲.
GE-211 plat voltage .
2011年1月19日 星期三
300B tubes
Just receive 300b tubes shipping from China.
300B testing specification.
Plate current 45mA.
Old 曙光 300B-98 close view.
曙光白底座茄子型 300B close view.
MID phone
MID phone all special parts.
x86 PC part PCB Top and bottom views.
CPU VIA C7M Nano 500MHz and Vx875 chip set.
Smart phone PCB Top view.
ID outline view 1.
ID outline view 2.
Platform under develop in Windows mode and verify Keyboard driver.
Platform under develop in Graphic mode and tuning display location.
Platform under develop in BIOS text mode.
After check window mode then waiting to confirm rotate display driver.
Display debug flow in two operation system because display is phone type LCD module.
Platform under kernel booting test and successful into Android operation system.
Just waiting modify power on sequence.
Original Android small GUI.
Migration to big GUI.
Into SmartPhone Android system.
Switching into Windows operation system just one key.
Either could turn-off each system any time.
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