Because friend want see Magnet Motor study case so I put final study
status on blog for easy access.
Final structure partial will seem to like Howard Johnson Magnet Motor structure.
Howard Johnson Magnet Motor theory hyper-link as below....
AC to DC rectifier bridge connect here.
Each AC phase usage one rectifier bridge then combine all rectifier bridge together.
This generator total usage 24 coils.
3 Phase and each phase with 8 coils.
DC motor 12V/2A driver generator easy reach 35V (DC motor @300rpm).
Howard Johnson's actuator arm (magnet build -in) of magnet motor setup up here.
Generator with 6 pcs actuator arm (magnet build -in) around turntable.
Magnet pole of arm setup as Johnson's theory.
Toggle hyper-link could see actuator arm sweep around.
Picture show Take off maglev turntable.
Here could see actuator arm in stop point(status of big angle).
Handle actuator arm in high torque position (status of small angle).
After estimate Johnson's actuator arm on generator could gain 25% generator power.
But still hard to reach free energy fancy boundary.
Final structure partial will seem to like Howard Johnson Magnet Motor structure.
Howard Johnson Magnet Motor theory hyper-link as below....
AC to DC rectifier bridge connect here.
Each AC phase usage one rectifier bridge then combine all rectifier bridge together.
This generator total usage 24 coils.
3 Phase and each phase with 8 coils.
DC motor 12V/2A driver generator easy reach 35V (DC motor @300rpm).
Howard Johnson's actuator arm (magnet build -in) of magnet motor setup up here.
Generator with 6 pcs actuator arm (magnet build -in) around turntable.
Magnet pole of arm setup as Johnson's theory.
Toggle hyper-link could see actuator arm sweep around.
Picture show Take off maglev turntable.
Here could see actuator arm in stop point(status of big angle).
Handle actuator arm in high torque position (status of small angle).
After estimate Johnson's actuator arm on generator could gain 25% generator power.
But still hard to reach free energy fancy boundary.