2011年1月19日 星期三

300B tubes

Just receive 300b tubes shipping from China.


300B testing specification.
Plate current 45mA.

Old 曙光 300B-98 close view.

曙光白底座茄子型 300B close view.

MID phone

MID phone all special parts.

x86 PC part PCB Top and bottom views.
CPU VIA C7M Nano 500MHz and Vx875 chip set.

Smart phone PCB Top view.

ID outline view 1.

ID outline view 2.

Platform under develop in Windows mode and verify Keyboard driver.

Platform under develop in Graphic mode and tuning display location.

Platform under develop in BIOS text mode.

After check window mode then waiting to confirm rotate display driver.

Display debug flow in two operation system because display is phone type LCD module.

Platform under kernel booting test and successful into  Android operation system.
Just waiting modify power on sequence.

Original Android small GUI.

Migration to big GUI.
Into SmartPhone Android system.

Switching into Windows operation system just one key.

Either could turn-off each system any time.

2011年1月9日 星期日

Toy12 Plasma tweeter Diy-9 Check sound color

Plasma Tweeter xover High-Pass filter >7Khz.
Benchmark Jensen Tweeter RP-302 7Khz~10Khz

Left side tub is ECL82 and right side is 6C45π.
ECL82 三極管 Triode 是調變器modulation , 五極管 Pentode 是調變Level control.

德國TFK 德律風根 ECL82,  音像較淺 audio shallow ,  7Khz~10Khz 較凸出 Vigorous tone,10Khz~15Khz Level  響應就弱 response week, 音色渾厚 ,最像 just like Jensen Rp-302 performance.

德國VALVO ECL82  audio shallow 音像較淺, 7Khz~10Khz 較凸出,音色線條清楚些 soind clear line ,10Khz~15Khz Level  response week 響應就弱.

蘇聯 Svetlana ECL82 (6Φ3π)   7Khz~15Khz 響應平合 response normal ,但音色線條清瘦 ,空洞, 音色偏冷 sound  clear line , cool & thin.

德國LORENZ ECL82 在Plasma tweeter modulation 應用較適合 7Khz~15Khz 響應較佳 response pretty good ,音像較深, 音色線條清楚 sound filed of the deep carved .

德國SIEMENSECL82   7Khz~15Khz 響應較佳 response pretty good ,音像刻化較深, 音色線條深刻化清楚, 且深動自然.sound filed of the deep carved  and sound natural.

OTK 6C45Π 大鈴鐺, 音像最淺 audio shallow ,  7Khz~10Khz 較凸出,10Khz~15Khz Level  響應就弱 response week ,
音色渾厚. 較 Jensen Rp-302 表現弱 more week than Jensen.

Sovtek 6C45Π 7Khz~15Khz 響應平合,音色線條清瘦 , 音色偏冷 sound  clear line , cool & thin.

EH 6C45Π ,7Khz~15Khz 響應較佳 response pretty good  ,音像刻化較深, 音色線條深刻化清楚, 自然.

sound filed of the deep carved  and sound natural.

2011年1月4日 星期二

BMS Charge and Dis-charge Autotesting system

Cell module Charge ,Dis-charge Autotesting system.
In dis-charge mode Cascade 2 module to 48V usage 1A to dis-charge meanwhile continue monitor voltage.
Do Low voltage protection and record parameter.

In Charge mode monitor each cell charge voltage.

fully cells of charge and discharge  autotesting.

2010年12月4日 星期六

ToyX project EQ Linearizer study ....Battery Power

EQ Linearizer 電源是大問題,喇叭效率超過95dB時,100hz以下AC 60hz容易peak進去,over 4khz以上又容易有高頻訊噪,高音會ㄘㄘ聲,解了下面100hz訊噪,over 4k 訊噪不好解 ,所以用電池.

The Battery box usage 4 cells (2S2P) Li-ion output 8.2V/5.2A (peak current limited in 5A).
No fuse and auto Over current ,Low Voltage,Over Temperture protection.

The EQ Linearizer remote power circuit clamp chock to reduce EMI influence.
L Channel and R Channel power path add diode to separate cross influence.

The battery module could stand alone into charge mode . So no AC noise.

The battery cells will  separate to open and charging by single cell  charger therefor no unbalance issue.

2010年12月2日 星期四

Toy12 Plasma tweeter Diy-8

 211 Amp. take off old output transformer  and prepare assemble new output transformer .

Put two output transformer together.
Left side is Look-T OTP and Right side is Lite OTP from China.

Look-T transformer thickness is more large.

Find a suitable box and hand make an home give for  transformer.
This for Hi-pass across over (over 7Khz) change impedance to fit Plasma tweeter input.

Replace output transformer and verify function is ok.
Look-T 211 Opt 跟原先比起來清楚的多, 原先的 Otp 稍矇的分不是很清楚前中後的音像及細節.
低頻有下去些 較大差異是之前用Analog EQ.增加50hz,250hz的Gain,但是211會有些悶悶的打不出聲音,

Finish whole shielding net and verify Plasma tweeter radiation in working normal (about 650V@140mA).
The current will be about 150mA when audio signal modulation in.

Other angle picture.

Connect plasma tweeter of L,R channel and estimate real sound color.

Switching  A,B test sound color and verify different  between RP-302 and Plasma tweeter.

2010年11月6日 星期六

Battery Management System 電池管理系統 (BMS) Li-ion 60 cells inside ouput power 24V/26A

BMS Front View.
Build in 5 battery modules in a Battery box .

Each battery module could read out  voltage,current,temperature.

Remote access Program and read out battery module Voltage ,Current.


咖啡店從無到有... 從有到無... 歲月的流逝 ,剩下的祇有記憶.

從無到有--- 舊店設立.
從有到無--- 拔營....牧咖啡的咖啡人.....移址, 啡客...........的遷徙.


